Church Restoration
J. W. Graham Painting has been painting and restoring Churches throughout New England for over 100 years. We understand the importance of keeping your house of worship up to date and maintained. Whether its maintenance painting on the exterior to keep its integrity or a complete interior renovation of your Sanctuary, we work with you to meet your individual needs. We are ready to meet your unique vision. Most importantly we listen to your specific needs and meet them in a timely manner. Our firm works with interior designers and color consults to take that extra step to ensure you are satisfied you?re your next church painting project.
J. W. Graham Painting has a special place in their heart for the type of work that Churches do. We support giving back to the faith community. It?s such a big part of who we are as well. We understand the unique challenges Churches are presented with regarding the sometimes limited financial pool and challenges of fundraising. J. W. Graham, Inc. will do all it can to keep your painting project on time and within your budget. From commencement to completion, a full staff of J. W. Graham craftsmen will always be onsite. Being a family run business, a Vitello is present on every project.
Not just another commercial building, Churches are special places to their faithful worshiper and communities. Several considerations make painting the interior and exterior of these landmarks different from all others. From protecting priceless artifacts, stain glass windows, and sacred fixtures to high vaulted ceilings and intricate Sanctuaries, Churches often require specialized scaffolding systems with strict procedures that must be adhered to while keeping our crews and your parishioners safe. Our crew regularly participates in continuing education and training on the latest techniques, tools, and products. The benefit to you, our customer, is a crew that is on technology?s cutting edge. No matter what special challenges exist, J. W. Graham, Inc. has the organization, safety record, and experienced Church painters needed to complete your project.
The greatest architectural treasures our world has today were created at a time when labor was inexpensive and resources were unlimited. When you need work done on these treasures, you need experts. J. W. Graham, Inc. are those experts, we have 100+ years of experience in Church painting and restoration. Plaster repair, gold leaf, wood graining, marbleizing, stenciling, mural repair, and touch-up are the extra touches that will turn the heads of your parishioners. Our skilled craftsmen, of whom we are most proud, have a wide breadth of experience and the attention to detail that is necessary to efficiently complete the painting your Church. We will deliver attractive, practical, functional, and durable finishes through the latest solutions designed and applied by the most qualified personnel for high performance and lasting beauty. The final result will speak for itself and our commitment to excellence shows even in the smallest details.
Every Church has its own special character, none are alike, steeples, bell towers, clerestories, apses, cloisters, transepts, etc, J. W. Graham, Inc. has been painting Churches for so long that we?ve developed specific job site specifications and protocols that limit inconvenience to staff and parishioners. Extensive wood repair, the window glazing can all contribute to the special methods our skilled craftsman use to complete a safe, thorough, and quality project. Being a diversified company with residential and commercial projects going on at all times, J. W. Graham, Inc. takes the extra care that is put into its residential work and transfers that same care and quality to its Church painting projects. J. W. Graham, Inc. strives to exceed the expectations of our customers through our commitment to excellence, quality, and high standards.
A quality pew refinishing job can make your old pews look like new again and for a fraction of what replacement pews would cost. We can usually refinish your pews in place. Our tried and true refinishing process is second to none and will stand up for years to come. We also offer kneeler upholstery and book rack replacement.